NHS and Healthcare

NHS Jobs and Career Opportunities

There are more than 300 different careers on offer in the NHS and healthcare for people from all walks of life and with all interests, skills and qualifications. So whether you’re looking for a career in medicine or are interested in roles like admin jobs, reception, IT, cleaning, maintenance etc. working in the healthcare sector could be ideal for you. 

NHS Job Vacancies in the UK

In any one day over hundreds of thousands of people see their GP or Practice Nurse, many need to visit A&E and thousands attend hospital for planned treatment everyday. There are employers such as NHS Direct supplying advice through contact centres as well as many drop in centres.   The NHS is a huge employer who is always recruiting staff for a broad range of jobs.  There are often skill shortages in many areas especially medical and nursing and often they have to recruit overseas to fill the vacancies they have.  

There are many other routes in to this sector with numerous  private organisations who provice medical and health related services.