Energy & Enivornment

Jobs in the Energy & Environment Sector

NOF Energy

NOF Energy is a highly proactive business development organisation for the oil, gas and energy sectors in the UK. As a membership organisation, we represent almost 300 companies that together offer technologies and solutions to the international supply chain. Our services respond to members' needs and are designed to increase members' business opportunities, contacts network and industry knowledge.

We provide a range of support services such as:

  • Networking & Events
  • International Business Support
  • Industry Intelligence
  • Marketing & Media Support
  • Member-to-member introductions
  • Recruitment support

For more information about NOF Energy or to discuss ways in which we can help please email:, visit: or telephone: 0191 384 6464.

The energy sector comprises organisations in the oil, gas, offshore, nuclear and renewable energy fields.

Oil and Gas jobs

Oil and Gas is created over millions of years by chemicals changes to plants and bacteria in sediment under the earth that is slowly heated over time. The extraction of oil and gas is a multi-million pound industry that supports over 250,000 jobs in the UK.

Most of the future oil and gas resources are expected to be discovered offshore and there are many job opportunities in the sector, especially in drilling, mechanical, electrical and petroleum engineering. However there are also a range of other job roles available that you might expect to find on an offshore rig such as labourers, tradesmen, radio communications specialists and chefs.

Nuclear jobs

The nuclear industry produces energy generated by reactors that capture the heat released from splitting uranium atoms. This process of nuclear fission takes place in the reactor's core and is carefully controlled to ensure the energy produced can be managed safely.

The nuclear industry has tremendous potential for employment across a wide range of roles in the three main areas of decommissioning out-of-date nuclear power stations, new build nuclear power stations and nuclear technology.

With up to 20 nuclear sites due to be decommissioned in the UK over the next 50 – 75 years, this market is worth and estimated £50 billion in the UK alone and will sustain thousands of jobs in the UK.

Potential new build of nuclear sites could involve up to 10 new power plants in the UK worth up to £12 billion, with many other new builds schemes planned internationally.

The nuclear technology market involves research and development into nuclear fusion and as this market is worth an estimated £30 billion, this too could offer tremendous opportunities for the UK jobs market.

The job roles involved in these three main areas are very wide ranging with particular opportunities in science and engineering.

Renewable energy jobs

Environmental concerns and diminishing resources of fossil fuels have led to a huge demand in the research and production of renewable forms of energy. Renewable energy involves using natural resources such as the sun, wind, rain, waves and geothermal heat to produce energy.

Some forms of renewable energy are completely natural and always available such as solar or wind power while others, such as biofuels and hydroelectricity, need human intervention to harness natural resources.

The government’s target is to produce 20% of the UK’s electricity supplies from renewable sources by 2020 and there are a range of roles available in this sector including engineers, consultants, environmental specialists and project managers.