• Employer - The Key
  • Reference number -
  • Sector - Not for profit
  • Department - Charity
  • Location: - Newcastle upon Tyne
  • Salary - Unpaid
  • Duration - Permanent
  • Hours - Part time
  • Closing date - Ongoing

Job Description

We're looking for two skilled and supportive individuals to volunteer their time to be The Key's treasurer and/or a member of our trustee board with finance skills and interests.

About the volunteer treasurer vacancy
Our volunteer treasurer plays a pivotal role in ensuring the organisation is well governed and complies with all financial legislation and good practice relating to charities and charitable income.

Our board meets 6 times per year combining in-person with remote meetings to benefit all. In addition, our finance & risk sub-committee meets ahead of main board meetings, approximately 2 weeks in advance, to fully review our financial position and any risks posed to the organisation, be they financial or otherwise.

The treasurer will work with our CEO, internal team and external accountant to ensure income and expenditure is in line with forecast / budget and will work to understand any variances.

Download the full treasurer role description here.

About the volunteer trustee vacancy

Our new trustee will play a key role in ensuring The Key is inspiring belief in as many young people as possible whilst maintaining solid financial management.

We're looking for a trustee to support the treasurer role and bring financial experience, skill and knowledge to our board of trustees and our finance and risk sub-committee. You'll have held positions involving financial management and have an understanding of good charity governance too.

Our board meets 6 times per annum combining in-person with remote meetings to benefit all members. In addition, our finance & risk sub-committee meets ahead of main board meetings, approximately 2 weeks in advance, to fully review our financial position and any risks posed to the organisation, be they financial or otherwise.

Contact information

Interested in either role? We'd love to chat to interested individuals to share more about The Key, the role and how you can be part of inspiring belief in young people.

Drop us an email to chat 

Call us on 0191 731 7830

How to apply

Please see the contact information section above for details about how to apply for this job.

Please Note: The above documents can be opened by using your preferred word/spreadsheet processor and a PDF viewer.

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