Foster Carer job in North Tyneside

Foster Carer

  • Employer - North Tyneside Council
  • Reference number -
  • Sector - Public - local government
  • Department - Fostering
  • Location: - North Tyneside
  • Salary - Not specified
  • Duration - Permanent
  • Hours - Full time
  • Closing date - Ongoing

Job Description

Foster care transforms lives

North Tyneside Council is passionate about the difference that Foster Carers make to the lives of children and young people.

North Tyneside Council’s Fostering Service is recruiting new Foster Carers. Without enough fostering families who are willing and able to offer homes our children and young people, some children may have to live a long way from their family, separated from their siblings, school and friends.

There are many different types of fostering and each carer chooses what is right for them and their family. It can be anything from taking a child into your home for a weekend, a month to looking after them on a full-time basis for a few months, or perhaps permanently. We are particularly looking for emergency carers.

The Fostering Service is part of an outstanding Children’s Services department. We offer competitive rewards and training. We provide a dedicated Supervising Social Worker, access to the Emergency Duty Team for support on evenings and weekends, a buddy scheme and support groups for you and your family.

Contact information

For further information:



Telephone (0191) 643 2540

How to apply

Please see the contact information section above for details about how to apply for this job.


Below are the list of standards for this employer.

Equal Opportunities Positive About Disabled People

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