ACADEMY PHYSIOTHERAPIST job in Hurworth, Darlington


  • Employer - Middlesbrough Football Club
  • Reference number -
  • Sector - Private
  • Department - Medical
  • Location: - Hurworth, Darlington
  • Salary - Not specified
  • Duration - Permanent
  • Hours - Part time
  • Closing date - Sunday, 06 April 2025

Job Description

Based at the Training Ground in Hurworth, Darlington, the main purpose of this role is to support the Medical Department in delivering a physiotherapy service to Academy level players, predominantly U9-U16s in clinic cover, rehab planning and match cover, alongside supporting PDP players as instructed by the Head Academy Physiotherapist.


•To attend any relevant academy training and matches home or away as required.

•To accompany players to hospital as required, reporting details back to the Academy

Physiotherapist or Senior Academy Physiotherapist.

•To assist in the co-ordination of the medical and orthopedic screening of U9-16 Academy


•To assist in the physiotherapy service for the U9-16 Academy in assessing and diagnosing injury in academy players. Deliver gym-based and pitch-based rehabilitation to injured players

alongside ongoing input for players within the u9-16 age groups.

•To attend all appropriate briefings and training sessions organised by the Club.

•To ensure compliance with current regulations and protocols relating to Safeguarding.

•To keep an up-to-date and accurate record of Continued Professional Development (CPD) and

maintain qualifications to practice pitch side first aid.

Contact information

If you would like to be part of a committed team and can demonstrate MFC core value behaviours, please follow the below link to apply:

ACADEMY PHYSIOTHERAPIST (PART TIME) in England - EFL (English Football League)

How to apply

To apply for this job , please follow the external link to the employer's own website to continue with your application.

Link to Application form

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